
CDFHH Online Talks

Talks will begin at 7.00pm with login available from 6.40pm.

We will send a link for the Zoom meeting to a representative of every group and each individual CDFHH member. It is then up to you to resend that link to all your group members.

We chose to use Zoom because it is easier to use than some other similar programs. If you are not familiar with it, just email yb2u15@gmail.com and we will send a set of instructions and set up a trial run if necessary.

Previous Online Talks

Online events

Bicentenary of the Hetton Coal Company 2022 - for details of this event and John Banham's book, video and Durham County Record Office exhibition click on the link Durham County Local History Society - Hetton Coal Company Bicentenary

Durham County Record Office's FREE online Third Thursday Talks.
Details at : Durham Record Office Events.

Events at Durham Cathedral.

‘Jericho: An Ancient City Revealed’

MA Museum and Artefact Studies students at Durham University have, as part of their course, developed an online exhibition called ‘Jericho: An Ancient City Revealed’ with Durham University’s Oriental Museum, which was launched with a live event on 10th June.

The project is about pioneering archaeologist Dame Kathleen Kenyon and her influential work at the site of Ancient Jericho - one of the oldest cities in the world. The exhibition centres on the Oriental Museum’s collection of artefacts sent over from Kenyon’s excavations at Jericho, objects which have never before been on display. Alongside this the students created a podcast series and educational resources, including a game.

Find the exhibition here

Find their podcast, educational resources, a recording of their live launch event and more information here

Hosted by DurhamWeb.