CDHH Forum Events
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Oral History Training session
10.00 am ¡V 12.30 pm
To be held at The Resource Centre, Beamish Museum.
Limited places available booking required. Booking
form attached.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Oral History Training session
10.00 am ¡V 12.30 pm
To be held at The Head of Steam, Darlington Railway
Museum. Limited places are available so booking
Booking form attached.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
CDHH Forum Conference and Business Meeting.
County Hall, Durham City
Details to follow in the August newsletter
Council for British
Archaeology (North)
Sunday, 19 July 2009
A Guided tour of the archaeological excavations at
Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland.
For further information contact Paul Frodsham.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
From 1.00 pm
Venue: Hartlepool Maritime Experience
Maritime Archaeology Day.
A talk on underwater archaeology by the Nautical
Archaeology Society NE. Free entry into the Museum
of Hartlepool
To book and for further information about membership
contact Jennifer Morrison on
0191 2816117 or Email:
Durham Historical
Lecture Programme ¡V starts at 6pm
Venue: The Parish Centre of St Giles¡¦ church,
Free entry. Everyone welcome. Refreshments
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Darwin¡¦s place in history¡¦
by Dr Malcolm Smith
Tuesday 20 October 2009-06-25
¡¥Robert Hooke, a neglected seventeenth century
By Sir Arnold Wolfendale, FBA, 14th Astronomer
For further information about the lecture programme
and membership of the Durham branch of the
Historical Association contact:
Professor Batho on 0191 370 9941 or email
Friends of the Fulling Mill
Saturday, 4 July 2009
7:30 pm
Museum of Archaeology, Old Fulling Mill, Durham City
Annual Concert ¡V a Selection of solo songs and
Clive Constance (Baritone), Luke Woodhouse (Tenor)
accompanied by Edward Cheesman (keyboard).
The music will be followed by strawberries and
cream, wine and soft drinks. Entrance cost is £6.00
Further information:
The Museum of Archaeology, The Old Fulling Mill
0191 334 1823 |
Locomotion, NRM Shildon
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Vintage Tractors Rally
10.00 am ¡V 5.00pm. Free event
Thursday 30 July
Festival of British Archaeology: Guided walk on ¡¥The
Hidden Archaeology of Timothy Hackworth¡¦
Starts at 1.30 pm. Booking required.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Classic Bus Rally
10.00 am ¡V 5.00 pm. Free event
Further information from:
Thorpe Thewles History
7:30 pm, Grindon Parish Hall, Thorpe Thewles
Friday, 18 September 2009
¡¥Saxons, Vikings & Normans ¡V the medieval
settlements of Teesside¡¦ An introduction by Robin
Daniels of Teesside Archaeology to post Roman
development and settlements in the Teesside region. Entry by ticket ¡V available from Linda Smith on
01740 630014 at £2.00 each.
Tudhoe & Spennymoor Local History Society
Venue: St David¡¦s Church Hall, Tudhoe
Time: 7.30 pm
Monday, 28 September 2009
¡¥Recipes and meals through the ages¡¦
A talk by Jennifer Gill
Entry £1.50 for visitors. Further information at
(Select the ¡¥history society¡¦ page)
Weardale Railway Trust
The following events will be held at Bondisle
playing field, Stanhope.
Trains depart from Wolsingham station:
10.30 am, 1.00 pm, 3.30 pm
Trains depart Stanhope station:
11.45 am, 2.15 pm, 4.30 pm
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Classic Car Rally. Meet the ¡¥motor stars¡¦ of film
and TV¡KLife on Mars, Heart Beat and The Royal.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Morris Minor Rally and Charity Day. The Morris
Minor was 60 years old in 2008. Come and see the
many and varied examples of this classic vehicle.
Local charity stalls and displays.
Saturday, 19 and Sunday 20 September 2009
Re-enactments, Military vehicles, dioramas,
skirmishes, 1940s dance plus a lot more.
Further information on all these events from:
Tel. 01388 526203
Wheatley Hill History Club
Saturday, 26 September
10:00 a.m. ¡V 3.00 p.m.
Working Men¡¦s Club, Wheatley Hill
Local History Day and Book Launch
If you would
like to promote your events via the Forum website
please contact John Banham
For newsletter
items contact Julie Hawthorn