News from the Forum, Issue
5, November
2009 |
Welcome to
the fifth issue of the Forum¡¦s newsletter. Here is an
opportunity for members to post their news and promote
future events. So please keep your news coming! The
newsletters are now available on the Forum website,
In order for us to share news and promote events to your
members we would ask that you circulate the newsletters
and event booking forms to your membership as soon as
possible after receiving it. Members of your society may
wish to attend training courses or events and any skills
and knowledge picked up could then be used for the wider
benefit of your group or society. |
News from the
Steering Group
The Forum¡¦s oral
history training session was held on a blustery day
in early October at Head of Steam, Darlington
Railway Museum. Thank you to the staff of the museum
for their hospitality and for providing the meeting
room for the event.
Thank you also to Sheila Forster for delivering the
session. See below for an account of the session.
You will be aware from earlier emails that the
conference and business meeting, planned for October
has been postponed. This will be re-scheduled for
early 2010.
We are in the process of finalising details for this
and will circulate information in December.
We will be updating the 2009/10 membership list
shortly so if you haven¡¦t as yet returned your form
and subscription but would like to be included on
the list please let us know by 4 December. The
membership forms can be downloaded from the website
On Thursday 3 December
the Forum will be hosting a talk by author Roger
Hutchinson entitled ¡¥Walking to America: a boyhood
dream¡¦. In the 1880s one County Durham family set
off on a remarkable journey which took them via
Liverpool across the Atlantic Ocean to America and,
following a series of adventures, back home again.
Like many others they went in search of a better
life far from the mining towns of north-east England
but they also hoped for something else ¡V a miracle
cure. More will be revealed as Roger Hutchinson
paints a picture of late- Victorian Britain and
America and explores the story of millions of
European emigrant who returned to the Old World
after tasting the promised New World.
See Events Around The County for details of the
Oral History training session ¡V a report
There is a real danger
that knowledge of our inheritance, culture, people
and history will erode, not into distant memory but
simply out of existence! Unless we capture and care
for the personal testimonies of the past, we could
be left with a wasteland of unanswered questions.
It was for those reasons that a team of dedicated
and interested local historians met at the 'Head of
Steam' Railway Museum, in Darlington, to learn how
we can use a specific method to capture the oral
memories and experiences of the past. Those who
attended had particular interests of relevance to
County Durham; they included the history of former
occupations, family history, the social history of
our police and the experiences of Muslims who have
integrated into the wider community.
It would be unwise to think that taking an oral
history from a person in relation to their life
experience is a simple process of having an
individual recall their story into a recording
machine. The day showed that oral history is, to the
untrained, complex. However, Sheila Forster
delivered a professional overview of diverse issues
such as ethics, legal issues, interview technique,
risk assessment, technical considerations,
reminiscence and project work. The delivery of the
training was user - friendly, it allowed everyone to
have a good basic understanding of these intricate
issues and to value the professional approach, and
care, needed when engaging with our communities to
preserve their heritage.
This was an excellent introduction to the taking of
Oral History, well organised, planned and delivered.
However, there was no doubt that those who attended
the course felt that it would be helpful for more
time and effort to be placed into ensuring that the
valuable heritage of County Durham can be collated,
and used, via the use of Oral History. This was a
day enjoyed by all; it would be great to have a
wider training programme and to use the expertise
available to train others to preserve our past and
prepare for our future. [Article by Kevin Rigg] ¡@ |
Remembering World War ll in Aycliffe Village
Aycliffe Village Local
History Society staged an exhibition, ¡¥Aycliffe Village
Remembers World War II¡¦, in the Village Hall over the
weekend 3rd and 4th of October. A well patronised
canteen, a raffle and the sale of wristbands and
lanyards, raised over £700 for ¡¥Help for Heroes¡¦, a non
political charity that provides additional support to
servicemen and women injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Society would like to thank 102 Battalion REME [V]
of the Aycliffe Armoury; the Teesside Branch of the
Victory in Europe Re-enactment Association; the Durham
and Tees Valley Military Vehicles Association, and
members of the other WWII Re-enactment Associations, who
freely gave their time in support of a very worthy
cause. Article by Brian Gargate, Aycliffe Village Local
History Society.
Your memories
for a new book
you working in the 1950¡¦s? Did you work in the
shipbuilding, coal mining or other heavy engineering
industries? If so we¡¦d love to hear your stories and
memories from that time.
David Hall, (producer, director and author responsible
for the popular Fred Dibnah programmes on BBC2) is
currently writing a new book. ¡¥Working Lives¡¦ will tell
the stories of some of the people who worked in
Britain¡¦s major industries in the 1950¡¦s, when this
county was still the workshop of the world.
It¡¦s the stories of your work, life and times that we
want to hear and feel should be preserved. We¡¦re looking
for people who would like to tell the story of their
earlier lives and of the community they were part of.
The jobs you had and what they entailed; social and
family life, local traditions and dialects, courting
rituals, the hardships and the pleasures in life, pit
bands & miners galas, the decline of industry and the
affect it had upon your community¡K. your memories of
Britain in the 1950¡¦s and 60¡¦s.
If you think that you, or someone you know would like to
contribute to the book please do not hesitate to contact
Kathryn on: 0113 249 3001 or
Information from local historian, Michael Richardson.
Durham City Through Time, is a now and then book with
about 180 images, all the old images are published here
for the first time. The book also shows a modern colour
image next to the old one complete with historical text,
this is the first time it¡¦s been done in colour for
Durham City. Some of my favourites are: Paradise Lane,
Palace Lane, The Western Hill Hotel, The Gilesgate 'Duck
Pond' area and the unveiling of St.Godric's First World
War memorial.
The Ancient City of Durham, this book was first
published in 1883 by H.T.Gradon of Durham City. The
original is so rare only one copy has turned up for sale
in the last 30 years or so, it sold for £240. The book
covers all aspects of history from the ancient city,
with a detailed index and has about 70 period engravings
and drawings added with an introduction by Michael
Both books are priced at £12.99 and are available from
Durham City Tourist Information, Durham County Libraries
and Waterstones.
Lead Mining in the Dales ¡V Can you help?
Over the last 8 years or so
Ian Finlayson has walked the lead mining areas of
Teesdale, Weardale, Nenthead, Alston block and
He has photographed the old smelting shops, flue lines
and chimneys where they are still to be seen and has
gathered a fair amount of detail.
He is now at the stage of needing further information ¡V
stories from grandparents, old photos, books and of
where there could be lost detail he has missed in the
above areas.
He is prepared to go, talk, see or pick up and return,
any information available. Ian can be contacted on 01207
He is a member of the South Moor Local History Group.
A Teesdale Bibliography
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bibliography is an attempt to gather together in
a single source-list the publications relevant
to Teesdale as an aid for researchers, book
collectors etc. Teesdale is roughly defined as
the area formerly covered by Teesdale District
Council. The scope of material presented in the
bibliography is unlimited, requiring only that
an unequivocal link to Teesdale could be
demonstrated. Thus the list of publications
includes subjects as diverse as local history,
topography, guide books, geology, botany,
genealogy etc. The publications include books,
booklets and even PhD theses. There are 919
references included in total together with
extensive indexes. Each reference provides
details of the author, title, bibliographic
information, the source(s) where an item may be
viewed and a note describing any particular
points of interest about the item or author. |
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